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Oct 27, 2005 14:45

Hey well I guess I need to update…

Right now I have a busting headache and I want to cry but other than that I suppose I’m doing okay. Joey got a new job which means more money for us so that’s a good thing…especially with all these dr bills that I keep getting EVERY day! Other than working everyday nothing has really been going on. I like my job, I got a full, well almost full, case load when a girl left a couple of weeks ago, right now I have 30 clients. I’m still getting used to juggling them all, I’m more of a concentrate on one person kinda girl than concentrate on 30 kids! It’s a little challenging but I’m learning. Hummm what else. I went to the dr last week ago to make sure my hcg was going down, sure enough the day before my d&c it was over 15,000 and last Tuesday it was 20.1, which is good. They had tried to get me to miss MORE work to come over there and have it drawn this week to make sure AGAIN that it’s going down and I said no. I already have to go back Monday the 31st to get the results of my glucose tolerance test that I also had to have done last Tuesday…I tell you the GTT is NO FUN whatsoever! I know you have to do it when you are pg but because he is going to put me on glucophage I had to take it…where you fast for a day and then drink that NASTY sugary drink and get your blood taken every hour…mine was a 2 hour test, normally when you are pg they do a one hour if you fail that one you take a 3 hour. I hope to NEVER have to take the 3 hour because that thing sucks! But with Joey changing jobs that means changing insurance, we’re still trying to figure out what to do because mine here at FH doesn’t kick in till January! So I don’t know what we’ll do. Maybe put me and him on the Wellmont incase I do get pg before January, then drop me from it in Jan. when my kicks in…who knows…we’re trying to figure something out.

So what’s everyone’s plans for this weekend? Right now, we are going to the game Friday *gasp* yes I know I know….but Kaylee is getting to cheer with the “big cheerleaders” and she’ll get her name announced and it’s a big deal to her, so I told her we would go. Saturday or Sunday we are going to go *weather permitting* to Little Stoney Falls and Bear Rock and take the dogs if anyone wants to come with us!  Well…hummmmmmm I can’t think of anything else to say really, I need to find something for my head, I’d like to find a nap for it! LOL I’m tired…but anyway, talk to ya’ll later!!!!!!!!!!! Byeeee!
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