When I laid down to take a nap this evening, I never really did fall asleep.
Instead, visions of deconstructed felt food danced in my head. The only time I can envision something like a pattern or how to put it all together is when I'm trying to go to sleep because that's the only time my mind is clear enough to think critically like that. I'm SO not a math/science-minded person...I just don't see things that way...
So anyway...
I never fall asleep, get up, visit with Maggie, then after I put the baby to bed, I broke out the felt. I used new stitching techniques (found some tutorials online) and spent about 2 hours on the piece.
I was pretty proud of myself until Jake came into the living room and I showed it to him. "What is that?" he asked.
"What does it look like?" I replied.
"An avocado," he answered.
So either I'm a terrible sewer or a terrible mother...because the kid thought this looked like an avocado: