Bullying? Harassment? Hate crime-stuff?

Apr 18, 2008 00:45

We're having some problems with Jake's school...I'm trying to get some perspective and ideas and just outside thoughts before I take any action...

The problem is: He is the target of many students at the school for harassment.  You've seen the pictures, you know how the boy dresses and how he styles his personal experience. Frankly, I don't know whether to call it "punk" or "goth" or what...He is comfortable with his style and he is honest about the fact that he's an atheist.

Because we live in a small Georgia county, I can say that the boy is seriously in the minority...but he holds his own, is true to himself and tries not to let it get to him that so many kids are always on him about being different.

He is funny, outgoing, friendly, has a "circle of friends," has a girlfriend who he really likes and who is on his side, no question.

However, these other kids--and it isn't just one or two kids, it's many other random kids at any given time--are always in his face...Today one boy smacked him in the back of the head while he was standing at his locker. Jake didn't react or retaliate. So, later, the same kid said to him (in class) "Bet you won't do anything if I hit you again, pussy." Jake said, "If you fucking touch me again, I'll stab you."

Let me go ahead and clear up any concern that Jake might stab anyone. He is really the most easy-going kid you've ever met and for the most part would just simply ignore these kids who are giving him a hard time. But they keep on pushing, and when he gets mad, he gets flustered and says the first thing that comes to mind. He has no intention or inclination to stab anyone.

That said: Jake was sent to the principal's office so the incident could be documented and reported. It was late in the day, and he doesn't know what the administrations intentions are with regards to the whole situation. I do know that no one from the school has called me about it.

This will be the second time he has been in the office for reacting to this repeated harassment. This isn't only the second time he's been harassed. He told me that yesterday a boy in one of his classes passed him in the hall and called him a "MotherFucking Atheist Douchebag." I mean, you'd think the kid was wearing a pentagram and writing "666" on his forehead whilst urinating on the Bible or something.

I am inclined to go to the school tomorrow and talk to the administration about the entire situation. In my mind, this isn't just bullying, but also harassment, and I'm wondering if it falls anywhere near the "hate crime" definitions...persecuting someone for their religious beliefs, etc...Not that I'm looking for legal recourse or anything, but I'm wondering what is reasonable to expect from the school with regards to everything.

Suggestions? Ideas? I'm open to everyone's thoughts...I don't want to fight his battles for him or embarrass him or anything, but enough is enough, and this has reached ridiculous proportions, as far as I'm concerned. 
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