Mar 25, 2008 01:59
Fuck you, Pine Trees!
And you, too, Bradford Pears.
And hey, March, what's with the whole "in like a lion" bullshit? You're overcompensating like a middle-aged man in a Corvette. Get over yourself already. Take a Viagra. Cialis. Something. Anything. Just get the fuck on with it already.
It's 39 goddamned degrees right now...and this time last week it was 65. No wonder we're all sick and grey and runny and stuffy. And what the hell kind of sick joke is it that one can have both a stuffy nose and a runny nose at the same time? Shouldn't they cancel each other out?
All I'm saying is I've had enough...enough Benadryl, Claritin, Tylenol Cold, Vicks Vapor Rub, NasaCrom and Afrin to sedate a small elephant. And I'm scatterbrained enough already. Like I honestly need any help here.