Jul 04, 2006 22:01
I meant to write about the weekend, amazing as it was, but I'm just not in that space right now. Maybe tomorrow. Instead I'm going to rave about soup. Beetroot soup to be exact. I made it this evening and it was a revelation. Tastes fantastic, looks amazing, this could possibly be my latest food fad.
It's another Nigella recipe.
2 large/4 small beetroots
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard (I use wholegrain)
Plain yogurt (I used goats milk yogurt)
Wash beetroot carefully and place in a large pan with cold water to cover. Bring to the boil and simmer for 2 hours or so, until tender. Remove from pan and reserve cooking liquid. Top and tail, then peel skin off (it slides off fairly easily) and put into blender. Add balsamic vinegar and mustard with some of the cooking liquid. Blitz and voila... soup. Serve warm with yogurt. Scrummy.
And now it's an early night for me; been feeling very tired this week and no doubt I'll be press-ganged into the mum's race at sports day tomorrow - I am absolutely brilliant at coming last.