bookshop posted this truly lovely Inception fluff in three sentences
meme, and I'm a comeplete addict.
In fact,
one of the worlds I built on there, well, I sort of fell in love with, and.... I like my original NaNo idea, but I've been using this verse to get through the writer's block I've been suffering from, and it's made me realize that while I like that idea, I LOVE this one, and there's a big different there.
In any case, the point is, I'm thinking of doing the Inception fic for NaNoWriMo and want some opinions. Obviously, I would be starting over (both because it's against NaNo rules to count what you've already written into your word count and because I'd like to expand some of those scenes beyond three sentences), but I think it might be fun.
But, yeah, please tell me what you think! I've never written 50k of anything before...
Poll NaNo 2010 Thank you!