Je vais tout casse, si vous touche l'homme de mon coeur...damn lack of accents on lj...

May 20, 2007 01:02

I always get slightly quiet around this time of the year. I'm not entirely sure why. Perhaps because throughout my life, so many things have happened around this time. I take comfort in knowing I am not going to fail these exams. So much fucking comfort. I left the house for the evening a few days ago for the first time in about 8 days (not including going to and from an exam). Went to see Spiderman 3 and have dinner with the boy. His other grandmother died on friday, and he didn't tell me because he didn't want me to worry. Sigh. Silly boy. What would I do without him? For all my bitching, what would I do? First 2 exams went alright. I only wrote about 2 pages in the first one, but thats 2 pages of almost flawless grammar and verbs and vocabulary. Fingers crossed. I have 2 more days to study for Americam Modernism, Reading Racine's women, and Proust. Its going alright. I've done some Proust and some Am Mod. Not looked at Racine yet. Ugh. Can't wait for it to be over. Weird as this sounds, I am positively REVELING in the fact that I know I am not going to fail. After that, who cares? Obviously I'm trying my damned best, but I am going to do ok. Not as well as some other nerds I could name ;) but I shall pass, and it will be over, and all will be well. Le yawn. Bedtime I think. I'm being bold and going for dinner (a quick dinner) at the chinese tomorrow night with my aunt and parents, so I need to be up early to do work. Although, I sort of already am up early. Can't get much earlier than this. Heh. Sleep...
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