skipping school.......go me :)

Mar 03, 2004 20:39

yes that is right I skipped school to go SHOPPING! I think I am getting addicted to shopping ( thanks Jax ;) ) The reason I got to was bc my sister is home for spring break so my mom felt bad that she is here alone and plus she owed me a birthday gift haha. It was fun tho we went to GrandVill mall. I love that mall its so easy to get there too but there was a lot of cars on the road around 11:00. I was thinking does anyone have a job these days haha. I know i dont ;) hehe

my mom and I had a fun talk tonight about being more optimistic and I think that is a great thing. I know I can be pesstimstic but I would have to say Im more optimistic. What about you are u optimistic (glass half full ?) or Pesstimstic ( glass half empty?)

I have been talking to my cus in boston a lot lately and I love them soo much and miss them like crazy that i have been talking to my dad about letting me go stay with them for about a week or so again this summer I really hope so bc i had a balst last summer it really started my year off amazing.

Spring Break is gonna kick ass this year Im going to Texas with my parents I know that can't be to fun but it is if they treat u like an only child :) we are also camping on the beach in South Padra Island. U know Ill be layin on the beach for thoes 3 days straight as long as its some what sunny.

I was thinking this afternoon about how lucky I really am. I want to go see my grandfather grave and sit there and talk to him bc I know that i have had a pretty easy life so far and i really need to thank everyone for everything they have done for me. My friends are amazing every single one of them has a special friendship with me like Al. He lives in a different state but our friendship is like no other. Its still so strong and amazing it was scary at first but its so wonderful. Hannah and Kiki have been my best friends sence JK. Thats 13 years! I love it and i wouldnt have it any other way. And all my new friends like Chris and Mike from st joe they are funny kids makin some drama but always making me laugh. Kiel and Steven they are a great bunch of guys its really funny how i met everyone but it is great to have such awesome guys who are not from around here but Paw Paw. Great times together and some bad ones (steven u know who im talkin about) But I had Hannah and Beth to stand by me thoes cold bad football game nights haha. But I know I have had some bad friends that I still can not fully forgive for what they have done but they will always be in my heart u all know Im talking about Aaron.I loved him and i always will no matter what. I dont think I would ever change anything bc It all has made me a stronger and better person.

Ok anyways I think im gonna go relax and do some homework........ yeah right haha ;) later
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