Oct 08, 2004 09:07
Ok so yeah there is this one person that I like and Im pretty sure that he knows it. I just wish I knew what he wanted. Because one night he was giving me signs that he wanted to fool around but then again when I saw him he acted really wierd around me. what is that about? I wish I had the nerve to ask him but I dont. I know so much about him and we talk about a lot of different things but still I feel like Im the girl on the side. I have been for at lest the past year and half. Yeah it was ok when he had a girl but i told him I will not be the girl on the side forever. SO can I have a turn to be the one to make him happy. To turn him on, to have my fun with him. Does that sound so bad? I just want that chance. How do I tell him or show him so that i dont scare him away? My friends are really good at getting guys to like them just being themselves but whenever I flirt with a guy to let him know Im intreseted I feel like Im trying to hard and that he is getting bored with me. I just wish I could be like my friends and go for it and finally get what I want for once. If you have an advice for me let me know thanks.
Ok so yeah school is pointless today. I am in english class right now typing on the computer and everyone else is doing the same we have nothing better to do. We have a sub. I havent be in school all week and my mom made me come in for half a day and so far there is no point. I think Cait and I are going to go out for dinner tonight. Tomorrow is Dani's birthday and she is having a party. I hope that someone goes so that I at lest can talk to him or at lest see him. I know this has been going on sence 6 grade. Anyways I just cant wait to have some fun. Cait and I are going to Lakeshore for a bit though. There is some band that a friend of her's is playing in. So yeah my friends have all these guys after then and I just ask WHERE IS MINE? oh well Im happy for them. Im feeling a lot better today. :)
I went and talked to Beth last night. I hadn't been there in a while. It was nice. I really do miss her a lot. Things are not the same around here and they wont be.