I went Qwwiz Cwwazy

Jun 17, 2004 04:48

What kind of disease are you?

Kerry is caused by sponges.

Kerry disease causes a constant lack of clothing.
To cure Kerry, bathe in Nair.

CHRIS KATTAN & DREW BARRYMORE are the silly gooses that probably just forgot that they left you on that doorstep. You're the 1 who always tries to cheer up everyone around you & keep them smiling. Rest assured, when you find them, I'm sure you're real parents would be more than happy to laugh it up with you!

Who are my REAL parents?
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NO NEED TO WORRY-YOU'RE NORMAL! You are just picky enough to make the right choices (most of the time) when it comes to intimacy, & not afraid to take the chance now & then or even experiment, with a carefully selected partner. As long as you keep up the good judgement, you should be able to have a happy love-life someday soon (if not already)!
How Promiscuous Are You??
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"Future Ex-Girlfriend" by Voltaire - Even if you fall fast, you also get annoyed or bored with your mate fast. In most cases, you may be right to unload them, but stop & count to 10 first: First impressions aren't always right, & being lonely loses it's thrill pretty fast as well.
What goth or industrial song best describes your relationships?
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