In another episode of the Unfairness of Being a Woman, it was kind of implied by the nurse practitioner at the new OB/GYN's office that I'm trying that bleeding and cramping constantly is not a big deal and just deal with it. Or maybe I just inferred it. But when I explained that I had basically been bleeding and cramping constantly since getting the Mirena in March, her tone was basically, "And? What would you like for us to do about it." She looked at me like I was stupid when I couldn't tell her if I had a confirmed medical diagnosis of endometriosis. (How is it my fault that my last doc sent me for a D&C to treat adenomyosis last June, but then referred to it as endometriosis a few months ago?) Also, it felt like they were really focusing in on my depression. I explained that the Mirena has seemed to have an impact on my moods, which is a problem. And maybe it was just me, but I almost got this vibe of, "Oh, she's just a crazy person."
She asked what I wanted from them. I told her why I no longer trusted staying with my doctor, (her license was suspended for trying to cover up a botched fibroid surgery) and that I felt like I didn't have options with my last doctor. I was basically told at my last doctor that it was Mirena or nothing. The NP at least seemed to understand more and seem less bothered once I explained that and she did a pelvic exam, (which hurt.) I get to do another ultrasound to confirm my diagnosis, and then meet with a doctor to discuss my options.
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