report from fayetteville

Jan 18, 2006 19:49

Ok, I am in Fayetteville right now sitting in my hotel room updating on Justin's computer. Let me begin by saying that my trip here was the longest 5 hours OF MY LIFE!! I drive a little more than half the way and you want to know why it was really long?? Because Kenneth and Justin were in the back seat! Yes that's right, I came to Fayetteville with my dad, Kenneth, and Justin. Kenneth was (luckily for me) a little minute addition to the plans. We got here and drove around the campus I fell in love with, and what did they talk about...the girls! Ok, now I realize they are guys but I tried to talk to them and they completely tuned me out!! The entire way up here! And when I try to tell them that they just get defensive and say "What are you talking about?" UGH!! I wish it was just me and my dad. Then we ate at this really good pizza place and who shows up to visit....Zac!!! Yeah I know! Zac of all people. Now we don't need to go into my issue with that now do we? But it should have been really cool to see him and hang out right? WRONG!! The three of them talked amongst themselves the whole time. Zac did try to be polite and ask me about myself and stuff but then Justin and Kenneth would inquire about his recent activity with certain lady friend of his....ok, not cool! So I am now in the hotel room while the three of them are off hanging out, yeah me and my lonely self. But what right do I have to feel sorry for myself? I plan on practicing some tonight b/c I am so nervous I wouldn't be surprised if I threw up at least once tonight and once tomorrow morning. I won't be able to eat anything from the huge breakfast that the hotel provides b/c my nerves won't let me. Kenneth's audition is at 8:30 and mine is at 9. And we are leaving the hotel around 7:30 so that if we hit traffic we can still get Kenneth there early. And then Justin's audition is at 11. And then I expect the whole ride home to be practically unbearable and ridiculously annoying like the ride up here was. There is also something else that I would like to talk about but I don't want to put it in print b/c I tend to get into trouble when I post some of my opinions on here. So I shall keep that to myself until I can unload on Mandy or Dana. Being here really makes me look forward to the fall though. I can't wait to be here. I can't wait to be out of high school. I can't wait to be out of high school band. And the biggie.....I CAN'T WAIT TO ROOM WITH DANA! IT IS GOING TO BE FLIPPIN' AWESOME!!! Well I guess this update was a bit of a long one but oh well, I never update so here you go, feast your eyes. If you read this before 9 tomorrow then please say a prayer for me and my audition b/c as some of you know I get REALLY nervous and it sometimes hinders my playing. The directors are really nice and they want to make it as comfortable as possible and I can't be rejected from the band...this is just for scholarship money, but still...I am scared and I will need the extra prayer if you don't mind? Thanks a lot for putting up with this ridiculously long and boring update. See ya when I get back! (If I don't shoot myself on the way home.)
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