Yes, that looks fast indeed

Jan 15, 2007 22:07

Oh MANS. I just spend the last two hours doing the second-to-last dungeon in Twilight Princess. It was very nerve-wracking, because you had to do this thing while being chased by this thing which could steal the thing you needed.. (semi-censored because I don't want to ruin it for people like Zak who have yet to play it!) XD Anyhow yeah, the thing chasing me really freaked me out, and I could feel my heart rate pick up, because when I'm playing these games I always feel like I'm the one being attacked/chased/whatever, and it really scares me some times. XD I don't know, I'm weird ..

.. but I'm probably going to cry at the end of Twilight Princess just like I did at the end of Ocarina of Time. I was so sad that it was over! T___T I felt like a little part of me had died .. okay, maybe not that extreme, but I was pretty upset .. I love these games. It's not like I can't play it again, sure, but there's really nothing like that first playthrough .. I still need the piece of heart from the fucking Yeti though, and then I'll have all twenty hearts .. Whoo. ^^

Midna r0xx0rz! >O (Just had to throw that in there ..)

[cody] I think that not trying to fight [Yeta, the Yeti] with the sword would help.
[me] Oh, no, you're supposed to hit her once you land that first time, to get her out of your way.
[me] Otherwise you'll never get ahead.
[cody] Hmm, I see, okay.
[me] 'Cuz she is like
[me] uberfast
[cody] Yeah.
[cody] I think it is the lack of arms.
[me] Oh man, I never thought of that
[me] Probably cuts back on the ol' wind resistance
[cody] Yes. LOL!!!
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