MatsuJun birthday picspam/fangirl flailing pimp post (you have been warned)

Aug 29, 2009 21:20

To the birthday boy, MatsuJun - the DoS perfectionist who takes pleasure, and has no qualms, about bullying his members (even if he IS the youngest); who has the coolest aura about him but totally fails/flails when it comes to Sho; who makes cooking a 5 course meal seem as easy as popping a TV dinner in the micro; the other half of the cry-baby duo; the one you can count on to find an opportunity to strip for the screaming fangirls.

To MatsuJun - the one that puts his heart and soul into Arashi, for Arashi and for its fans.

Happy Birthday MatsuJun - may your special day be filled with happy memories with many more to come. <3



















































































Credit goes to those who did the actual scanning, of which this post became possible:

chochajin crystalove87 
hisa_no_nikki kamesoul 
karamaru_kagi pucchu 

xlolitsnozomix Caramel Box and SNG

The usual disclaimer stuffs, being, these beautiful pictures do not belong to me, and neither does Matsu-hime. <3 The pictures were gathered from various LJ sites, so I dont recommend you use them. You can check out their indiviudal sites if you reeeeally want the originals. And no, I couldnt really tell you off the bat which pictures should be credited to who. Sorry. But, I hope you enjoyed the eyecandy. ^3^ I know I did! <3

rl: !happy birthday, gen: matsumoto jun, flail: picspams are time consuming

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