this post is all about gussan

Aug 03, 2011 13:36

 ,went to tokyo this past weekend and had A BALL. did some partying, did some sight seeing, did some shopping, did some fangirling...spent WAAAAAAAAY too much still kinda hurts just thinking about it. but i scored A TON of old TOKIO shop photos from this second hand idol store that basil_ovelby knew of and a GI-NORMOUS poster of Gussan.  *starry eyed*

my favorite of the old shop photos. HOW FUCKING CUTE CAN YOU BE GUSSAN?!!!

looking through all my shop pics, i realized most of them are Gussan in profile...just....*UNF* so beautiful....

...and then he starts showing some skin and im all asdfsjlkjl;kjasdfkljkasdfjlklk *melted brain* SEEEEXY.

*UNF* but nothing compares to when a musician is doing their thing.....soooooo sexy....

....or doing what they love....

....especially when theyre having a good time.

well...that entry seemed to have worked. wtf lj? i guess lj approves of gussan  :

I put up that poster finally and its HUGE and GLORIOUS and UUUUNNNNF....asjdlk;asdfljkasdfkjlasdfklj.... (picture in the comments)

!flail post, flail: obvs lj loves gussan too, flail: id hit that..., rl: japan has the pretty, rl: japan fucking rocks, flail: all about gussan, fic

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