Jun 05, 2009 23:58
Well, as it turns out, I guess a lot of people still are on here! lol. Well, here goes the news:
1. I moved to Kentucky, and I didnt tell anybody.
I've been here for about a month and its been amazing, I know for sure that I will never be back in MI. I dont miss it, and every opportunity I've been waiting for has come my way, and many more I didnt expect.
2.I quit smoking.
Yes, its true, I dont partake in the recreationals anymore. Its been easy to do since Im in a relatively stress free environment.
3.I'm baaaack in school.
I'm going for medical assisting, I've only got 9 more months to go. I go to a place called ATA, and its great, Ive met some really amazing people with interesting stories.
4. I met someone.
Thats the jist.
5. I got a new job.
Im a chef in a restaurant now, doing the same shit I was in the hospital, just not for ignorant band wagon christian recovering alcoholic biggot as a manager. And makin more cash flow :)
So yeah, thats a little summary of my life. Its been crazy til I moved here, now everything makes perfect sense.