13 years together make storm, please create another storm forever, please stay together forever as ARASHI.
Even this is my second year as an ARASHI's fan, but this two years you guys give me happiness, your songs, shows, personalities.
I will always remember the day I "accidently" found you guys, and I am now become your fan. Omedeto!!
And the future of us. Matsujun, Aiba-chan, Sho-can, Nino, always smile. Whatever happens, let's overcome with the five of us. And in the future ahead of us, let's always together as the five of us.
~Ohno's message 24Hours Televesion~
Today is full of happiness for me, Arashi's 13th year, Ueto Aya and HIRO marriage.. ahhhh... CONGRATULATIONS!!! ^^