
Sep 28, 2011 23:32

So I meant to make a big post about my new apartment, but some things have been going weird with my body, and September has been a very sad month because of it.  The doctor's excuse is that I am having a bad reaction to the Birth control shot.... 5 months into the medication.  I have been hormonal and full of mood swings, and irrational despite that while I am irrational, I know I am, and I can't help myself.  It's weird, and scary; I am absolutely terrified a good amount of the time xD.  On top of that, I've had some crappy experiences lately, so I've been really really sad.  I spent most of Monday in tears.

BUT!  Three awesome things happened Today/Yesterday and I wanted to share :]

1! It rained like hell today while I was halfway to work. Walking XD  So when I got there, I begged my boss for 10 minutes to find a new pair of pants, cause I wear flare bottoms, and they were soaked.  On top of this, our store [Additionelle, btw xD] runs at a chilly 8 degrees celcius.  So I would have had a lot of cold, wet material drying against my legs, and my dollshoes were filled with water too.  Cynthia gave me 30 minutes and said not to worry about it.  So I bought a new pair of pants [I love our 50 percent discount cause they were originally 89.99], but i bought black skinny jeans.

I like black jeans but don't actually have any, so that's why I tried them on.  But I have never owned a pair of skinny jeans.  Always been too uncomfortable with my legs.  But I have a nice pair of winter boots that can't fit over my flared or boot-cut jeans.  So, feeling weirdly overconfident, I bought the skinny jeans.

When I got home, Chad arrived about 20 minutes later, and he saw me in my jeans, and like, his entire mood changed.  He was happy to see me and like 'hey sweetie!' and then he saw the jeans and was like 'your ass... looks amazing' and he came up and was holding me tight and it made me feel really really beautiful. <3

2!  I got home from work slightly before Chad, like I mentioned, and checked my computer, which had been crashing all day.  And I got a really cute message from Bobby about cheering up, and he gave me the link to Bridesmaids, which I have never seen [despite working at a movie theatre when it was IN theatres xD].  So now I'm really really excited to watch it tomorrow night when I get home from work :D

3!  When we were playing Magic the Gathering the other night [we play every night xD] we were on the topic of how we have so many copies of games.  Cause I have my collection and he has his, and a lot of our games are the same.  And I mentioned we should sell the duplicates.

Me: For example, we have three Grand Theft Auto 4's.  Three.  Why do you have two copies?  We should sell two.
Him: No.  I wanna keep both of them.
Me: Okaaaaaay, why.
Him: Because it reminds me of you
Me: Huh?
Him: When we first met, you asked if I had xbox and we traded gamertags.  And you asked if I had gta4 cause it was what you and Bobby were playing.  And I said yes, and I actually did, but I had no idea where it was.  So after I couldn't find it, I actually went out and bought it again so that I could play with you.  Because I was interested in you.
My heart: -Explodes from squee-

!quotes, dinosaurs go rawr

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