Baby, Baby, Here we look all crazy, so you don't have to worry, na na na nana na

Mar 28, 2010 17:45


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I'm still rocking out to the Alice soundtrack, but I love the 3Oh!3 song the best, I think.  Although tea party is really bouncy too, IDK.

Anyways, I am sick.  HAHAHA.  It's been a while since my first actually -cold-.  I have the meds when i went on my medecine craze in September XD  I LIKE BEING READY.  I picked up a giant bottle of aspirin, and some Benadryl for sleep, tylenol cold, tylenol sleep, and a bunch more cold medecines.  Never got tums though.... my bad.  I'm sick because of Sarah combined with last night, i know it XDDD

It was fun though!  I had THE BEST sex hair last night it was awesome.  I have the tousle me softly hair stuff from Herbal, and it worked like a charm.  When i got out of the shower, I srayed it on, messed up my hair, and it fell in curls.  LOVED it.  And when i brushed it out before bed, it all went straight.  STRANGE.

ANYWAYS!  Wore jeans and my black off the shoulder shirt.  -shrug-  We went to Zaphod's (YESSS, IT IS HITCHIKERS GUIDE TO THE GALAZY BASED) And we ordered some pangalactic gargleblasters XD  And there were live bands!  They were actually REALLY good.  The cute guy in the coat room and I had a good chat, and another guy at the bar bought me a shot of tequila.  Sarah survived off Porn Stars, but she made me buy them for her because she felt awkward ordering it because of it's name XDDD  The drinks there were really cool though!  They had like, a HGttG themed drink list, and from it I had 3 of 5.  The Pangalactic, a Googleplex, and a... dammit.  It was something like a beebleweezle or something XD Made me laugh trying to order it.

We went out at like 8, so we just listened to the music till 10:30 or so, and then Sarah started to get anxious around the crowds.  I had promised her that if she tried it for an hour, we could leave after that, and she lasted over 2 (Although, for over half, we were chatting in a booth), so I said sure.  AND AKJDFHLAKJDA SUGAR MOUNTAIN WAS OPEN!  So I went and got nibs and m and m's and got into a debate with the cashier about why I didn't get smarties instead.  Then we went to the highlander pub, and got to listen to ~more~ live music, which was awesome.  And there was a bachlorette party there.  Why they went to a scottish pub instead of a club, idk.  But they were like, dancing in the hall.  It was really funny.  Sarah and I got a drink, (Strawberry daquiris are my new best friend, oh god delicious.  If I knew how to make them, I would totally have them virgin all the time), and an order of Nachos.

You know the flat pans people use to cook like, french fries and stuff in the over?  They brought out one of those, COVERED in Nachos, pepers, cheese, sour cream and chicken.  It was HUGE.  We ate like, a quarter.  HAHA.  Headed back, sang charlie the unicorn.  I waked Sarah home because she was rather unsteady and I didn't want her to get hurt, then headed back myself.  Played Call of Duty with the Boys, which we haven't done in FOREVER.  And we met this one guy, EJ, who was hitting on Bobby.  I SWEAR.  After Kyle left, we rejoined their party, and then it got... awkward.  So i left.  XD

Watched HellBoy, which was on TV, and crashed at like, 7 am.  Didn't mean to stay up that late.  It's just me weekend schedule, apparently ;D

OH AND I THINK MY MOMMY IS VISITNG THIS WEEKEND. I finally started getting so desperate for her to visit that she caved bwah ha. So she might drive up thursday, and we'll go catch a movie and stuff, and then we'll both go home together friday night. But I mean, I've wanted her to visit since September and she's always busy. I'm not here for much longer, so...

EDIT: ALMOST FORGOT. Favourite quote of the night. Sarah had only had one drink at my place by now, so this isn't her drunk thinking. This is just HER.

Me: Yeah, Distant Worlds is coming to TO, but Video Games live is in Louisiana. My friend is going, and I kinda hate him for it, Haha.
Her: Well.... why doesn't he buy you a ticket?
Me: ... It's in Louisiana
Her: Yeah... that's close, right?
Me: ... It's a southern state.
Her: ...Oh. I thought it was in Canada.


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