It's time for our June theme: Pie Flavors! You may apply for this theme once you have a regular stamp, and please put who you were stamped as and the name of the theme in the subject line.
Stamps were made by the ever wonderful Paris (disneygirl89). ♥
The Basics Name: Age: Location: Stamped as:
A Little Bit About You What are five positive adjectives you would use to describe yourself? What are five negative adjectives you would use to describe yourself? What are three things that you are good at? What are three things that you are not good at?
Are you...? Sweet? Outgoing? Traditional? A warm weather person?
Food What is your favorite food? What is your least favorite food? Are there any pie flavors you absolutely can't stand? (It doesn't have to be one of the options)
Please vote on three applications, and post the links here: 1 - 2 - 3 -