To all who just came, welcome to Adstringendum. In case you have not been informed, this place is the result of a failed experiment - a compression of time and space. The entire area is controlled by the Animus, mysterious spirits that only communicate with us through the PCDs - Portable Communication Devices, the one' you're using to view this post right now.
I highly recommend for everyone to stay in the Safezone, as it is the most stable area in Adstringendum. Beyond that border is the Wastelands, where time and place change constantly. Please be careful of rabbits and kittens - they bite hard. For a place to stay, I recommend the 3 clinics - [x,y], [x,y] and [x,y]. However, if you know someone in here - which is quite likely - you might probably stay with them.
Ah, and please be careful with several people around. They do not have... Good intentions.
Have a good day. ♥
In case you're planning to kill our current guests again. I would highly appreciate it if we do it as a team. That's how we defeated them before, didn't we?
I don't know if we should include Ginia in this. They are not normal, by her world's standards.