you are my squishy and you will always be my squishy and we'll be together for ever...squishy? squishy? whered ya go? says: KK IM GOING TO BEDDY BYE
Skull fucking Mamie is both educational and squishy! says: Home girl got some reactions up in here
Skull fucking Mamie is both educational and squishy! says: BYEEE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!
you are my squishy and you will always be my squishy and we'll be together for ever...squishy? squishy? whered ya go? says: I DONT KNOW WHY IM TYPING IN CAPS I ACCIDENTALLY HIT THE BUTTON
you are my squishy and you will always be my squishy and we'll be together for ever...squishy? squishy? whered ya go? says: BUT IT LOOKS SO PRETTY...
Skull fucking Mamie is both educational and squishy! says: so hit the same button to make it go off
you are my squishy and you will always be my squishy and we'll be together for ever...squishy? squishy? whered ya go? says: NO
you are my squishy and you will always be my squishy and we'll be together for ever...squishy? squishy? whered ya go? says: I LIKE IT AND IT LIKES ME AND WERE GONNA LIVE HAPPILY IN LOVE FOREVERS AND EVERS
Skull fucking Mamie is both educational and squishy! says: Can I be ur squishy
you are my squishy and you will always be my squishy and we'll be together for ever...squishy? squishy? whered ya go? says: *LOOKS AT YOU*... "HOW YOU DOIN'?
you are my squishy and you will always be my squishy and we'll be together for ever...squishy? squishy? whered ya go? says: LMAO Skull fucking Mamie is both educational and squishy! says: LAMO!
Skull fucking Mamie is both educational and squishy! says: night night mamie