Feb 02, 2007 21:30
Have I introduced you to the heat diaper??
Of course I haven't, you reply. You never post to this damn thing anyway...so why would you have told me??
Funny enough though, I'm going to share the story...even if it does make me sound like a complete dumbass. Those of you who know me will attest that this is nothing far from the norm...
The heat diaper is my nickname for my heating pad that I had to purchase as a result of well...I'm skipping ahead of myself.
Two weekends ago, I really badly wanted to go ice-skating. I mean, it was finally getting cold like it should have been for January and we hadn't gone to the RiverRink all season. So the plan was to head on down to Sugar Moms and hang out for a bit, then go ice-skating. I'm sure it didn't help that we had an adventure dealing with a jerk at Sugar Moms that ended in us running around Old City chasing after the fool but we returned back to the Moms for a few more beverages then decided to take on off for the skating rink. At least apparently, I did. Because I wanted to go very badly. Pam tells me that I didn't really acknowledge that maybe skating at the time might have been a bad idea. At any rate, Jason can't skate for shiz...so I took off on my own and some kid fell in front of me and then of course I fell right after. Next thing I know, I'm surrounded by all of the staff in their orange jumpers and an EMT who had been out skating herself. They brought me a pillow to straighten my spine and told me to stay still until I thought I could move. They asked me if I wanted to have them call an ambulance but I said that I didn't need one and eventually they helped me off the ice and over to one of the benches. My ass was KILLING and so I text-messaged the others to tell them that I had fallen and I hurt. So we left and the next two days I couldn't sit on my tailbone for the injury. I finally went to the doctor because the pain was unbearable where he advised me to buy a heating pad (after the IcyHot wasn't working) and gave me medicine (thank the dear LORD!!) and sent me on my merry ass-hurting way. And so, the heat diaper was purchased...
It wraps around your body and velcros and has four heat settings. It's divine...and I love it!! However, if you feel the need to make fun of me, trust that I have already endured enough ridicule regarding the event.
In other news, training is going well at work and life is wonderful in the new place. I'm looking forward to the SuperBowl this Sunday and GO COLTS!! (Even if I did get the crappy numbers in the office pool...) I'm also really frustrated with a pair of hot pink shoes.
But that's another story... :)