Aug 22, 2004 14:59
well, i'm all moved into Cornerstone! i had a real big dissappointment when i got here though. it turns out that they've been doing a lot of swiching of rooms lately. so now instead of being in room 625 with a room-mate and suite mates (girls i share the bathroom wiht) i'm in room 501, all by myself. no suite mates or room-mate. it sucks! but, one good thing, i have the only tub in the whole dorm! tha'ts a blessing. i havent' really met anybody yet. i mean, i've met people. but nobody that is i've seen or talked to more than once. i hope things start getting better though. i really wish i had someone to talk to all the time ya know. i've been told that i'm lucky to be in a room all along and i'm sure that i'll be greatful when exam time rolls around. i'm starting to get used to it already, and i've only been here a day. i have sooo much room! i'm going home this weekend to get my bike and a few other things. i'm going to try and bring a couch up. the twins have one in thier rooom that they really don't use and it would be PERFECT for my dorm. hopefully everthing works out okay. well, i think i'm going to take a nap or something. i jsut got back from a scavanger hunt of downtown grand rapids. it was really neat. we had to go to different landmarks and there were poeple there from campus that had to take our picture at the different sites. extra points are awarded for creativity. i'll let ya know how that goes. peace out yo!