Feb 12, 2007 23:59
January 5, 1986: "Right now, I am at my Daddy's office. In a few minutes I will be in typing my science report on Dad's new typewriter. If you make a mistake you just press a button and it goes back, erasing. And it has a lot of buttons that other typewriters don't have. Now it is a few hours later and the report is finished. It is four paragraphs long, and I am more than satisfied! My science project for last quarter was five paragraphs long and on the lungs and how we breathe. This quarter it is on the stomach."
January 18: "Grandma came today with Grandpa. But instead of discussing that, let's take a peek at the sweater drawer. 1 yellow sweater, 2 purple sweaters, 2 white sweaters, 2 pink sweaters, 1 green sweater, 1 blue sweater, 1 white sweater vest, 1 blue sweater vest. SO ENDS THIS PAGE. Goodnight. That includes the ants."
January 20: "Hi. This is your good friend Carrie Porter speaking from your local diary saying that tommorrow is her birthday. She is very happy and will have a chocolate cake with buttercream frosting and blue flowers and it will say "Happy Birthday, Carrie" on it and we will put in a candle that says 1 and a candle that says 0 - that makes 10! It is ordered from the bakery but not the candles. I sign out, Carrie"
March 2: "Last night 15-year-old Megan Miller came over to babysit us. She got drunk on apple juice (not really). She smoked, swore, and told me about the times she got drunk on liquor. It was fun. Especially at 1:00 a.m. when Meg and Al were asleep. It was sure fun to see them out of the way!!!!!!!! All Right!!"
March 3: "Laurie Pierce, the most popular girl in Room 7, asked me to play with her at recess. What could I say but YES!!!"