
Jul 15, 2009 12:05

Finding it difficult to sit and write at the moment - quite literally. My back is playing up again and sitting down hurts which makes it very painful to sit and type. This makes my 3rd painkiller in 2 days. I dislike taking painkillers and usually avoid them if I can.

And then there was the watching of ( Children Of Earth: Spoilery stuff )

health, torchwood, house

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Comments 3

entropy_house July 15 2009, 12:13:18 UTC
*hugs* I hope your house gets fixed. Ehouse really wasn't legally fit for human habitation for many years, but of course, I lived here. :^)

The thing to do is prioritize
a) which problems are most life-threatening (with Ehouse that was the wiring)
b) which problems are causing the most deterioration (the roof and the termites)
c) which problems you can fix yourself for free (throwing out crap, cleaning things cutting tree limbs/small trees, etc.)
d) which problems you can fix yourself inexpensively (patching walls & painting)

and then try to work on at least one area every chance you get, even if the work consists only of thinking out the needed steps & telephoning companies for estimates & information on how things are done (quite often if you talk to enough companies you'll find cheaper ways of doing things- sometimes even things you can do yourself that you hadn't thought you could.)

Good luck!


daiseechain July 15 2009, 12:51:43 UTC
a) which problems are most life-threatening (with Ehouse that was the wiring)

Yeah, currently the same problem. We've been fixing things on a first come first served basis in terms of emergency repairs. But last year when the heating was fixed so we wouldn't have to go another winter without, the electrician found one of our bedroom extension sockets was actually about 12 feet of extension cable run through the walls and plugged into a different socket in the hall!

The tree lopping etc today is about keeping the neighbours happy. They've been extraordinarily patient with our house bringing down their market values so far, but I'd rather not lose their goodwill. Plus, the trees are now interfering with the phone line.

I've been reading your posts with interest, although I haven't always had the time to comment. I've been very impressed with the way you've managed such a large project when faced with so many obstacles.


entropy_house July 15 2009, 13:13:12 UTC
Wiring. *ugh* Expensive, scary, messy, and fubars so much else.

I remember being thrilled to discover that the overhead lights in one room were a patched together hodge-podge of extension cords. The electrician laughed and called it 'plug and play'.

*sigh* What can get a person down, as you've noticed, is that once you start repairs, you keep discovering problems that had been covered up by other problems.

But we'll get there eventually! *hugs*


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