Thanksgiving Dinner preparations

Nov 14, 2007 11:07

10:30 - Make pie crusts
11:00 - Start bread
11:30 - Clean kitchen
12:00 - Lunch, feed baby
12:30 - Punch down bread, set to rise again
12:45 - Pick up Doob
1:30 - Bake bread, prepare Green Bean casserole and stuffing
2:15 - Bread out, casserole and stuffing in, squash in slow cooker
2:30 - Roll out crust, prepare apple pie
3:00 - stuffing and casserole out, pie in, Catherine arrives, prepare bird, make cranberry sauce
4:00 - Pie out, bird in, make salad and dressing
4:30 - Lower heat on bird, clean kitchen
5:00 - Vaccuum, clean bathrooms, set table, change
6:00 - Bird out, slice bread, casserole and stuffing in oven. Greet guests.
6:30 - Assemble salad.


4:07 AAIIIGGhhheeeeaaaaaaiiihh!!!!!!

4:49 Still slightly panicked but turkey's in, casseroles are done, cran sauce is made, bread is done, pie is done, kitchen is mostly clean and children are no longer crying inconsolably. This might actually work out.

9:00 Google "salmonella poisoning"

Breathe. Breathe.

In all, not the greatest. My fault for planning too much. I just HAVE to make the pie from scratch, crusts and all. I just HAVE to have two different vegetables plus a salad. I just HAVE to add all the special touches like my mom does.

So for the future: bird will take longer to cook than you expect. It's okay to let it sit for a while. Better it's fully cooked than that you're waiting around for it for an hour (like we did) only to resort to cutting off the cooked parts on top so we can actually eat dinner (like we did) which then leads to a panic attack as I imagine all seven people who ate the turkey throwing up in the emergency room of local hospitals.

I'll update tomorrow if that happens. Say a prayer for me, eh?

Otherwise, I'd forget the whole wheat crust on the pie. It's got a cup of butter and a cup of sugar in it anyway, are we really getting any nutrition from the whole wheat? The pie was awesome, BTW.

Having more time would have been GREAT. We had to move the dinner up a day because of a sudden work thing and I really wasn't prepared to do the whole thing within 30 hours, including grocery shopping, defrosting the bird, making the bread, etc. Next time there's a scheduling conflict I will say, "Oh, bummer! Well, let's do it next year or something." and buy a chicken for the four of us.

Also, getting the babysitter to come entertain the kids while I cook? BRILLIANT. Freaking brilliant. I will always try to do that. :)

My first ever Thanksgiving. Not my finest, I hope.

food, milestones, friends

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