Jun 17, 2006 09:15
List up to 5 languages you would like to learn, and why. Forget the complexity or lack of linguistic skill...if they invented a language drug that allowed you to develop basic fluency and literacy in a language, what would you learn?
1. Latin -- It's the root of everything and uber cool. I'd also love to read the Bible and original Church documents in Latin.
2. Klingon -- Seriously. I'd love to be able to swear in Klingon.
3. Chinese -- It would help my understanding of Chinese medicine to be able to read Chinese, and I'd also like to visit China. Plus, being able to read other people's tatoos would be pretty neat. :)
4. Arabic -- Usefull. And SOOOO widely spoken. Besides English, this is a world language. And I believe one of the best ways to erase divisions is to learn about others' culture. Language is a big part of that.
5. Swahili -- If I ever get to Africa (one day, my friends) Swahili would be good to know. It's widely spoken and well respected. Still, I love the sound of African languages. If I had my druthers I'd learn a West African language like Akan or Igbo, even though they would be useless outside of Nigeria or Ghana.