May 01, 2006 23:03
Well, Friday went out with Aunt M., didn't do much, just hung out, did some shopping, not much. Got home, stayed up reading really late. Got up, went to the UCLA Book Fair with Alan and DeAnna. (Alan drove, Levi and Caleb babysat.) It was fun, that place is huge!!! And so many stairs!! It was a lot of fun though. We got back to the house, after a slight detour looking for sunflower seeds, making sure the boys were ok. Everything was fine, no problems, the house was still there. I got two books on ADD & ADHD, one on bipolar, a thesaurus, and a James Patterson book for Levi.
Sunday, went with Aunt M. and Aunt K. to walk the dog around Creig Park, I guess it's where we had held Oma and Opa's 50th some time ago. I had forgotten where it was, if I ever knew. That was a two mile circle.
So, now I'm slightly poorer, a bit more burned, legs still sore, and needing to do laundry.
All in all, not bad at all.