Jan 09, 2006 20:03
Well, I brought Shiela in to the vet today, in order to get her fixed. So, from this morning on, she's had no food or water, and she's been locked up in my room all day. She wasn't very happy, about any of it, and now she's locked in a kennel at the vet's, but I should be able to pick her up tomorrow, I hope.
We went to work out again today, now I'm a bit more sore than I was last time, but it feels great! Well, not the feeling sore part, but the exersize. Eh, you know what I mean.
Of course, it has left me a bit starved, and I just ate all my dinner, but I'm thinking of raiding the kitchen shortly, looking for more.
I don't know if we're going again tomorrow or not, or if Thursday is going to be our next day, guess we'll find out when the time comes.
Hopefully, tonight I'll get more sleep then I did last night, as it wasn't much at all if it was any. Don't know if I will though, I am a bit worried about Shiela. Not as much as some I know who's cats went in for this, but enough. Plus it'll be strange not having her there to bug me and wake me up at odd hours. Or there to beg for food first thing in the morning, and steal the warm spot when I get up to hit the snooze.