Woo, I finished. Even though this is a whole movie, it was pretty hard to think of what pictures to use for themes... I mean, everybody is always angry and distressed in some way. But I finished and that's all that counts anyway.
Download links:
Download (.RAR)
Download (.ZIP)
Preview the theme
1. Go to your
Admin Console.
2. Copy and paste this into it: moodtheme_create "FFVII: Advent Children Mood Theme" "Mood Theme by mesmerise" Click "Execute". Do not move away from this page! (You may rename the theme to something to your liking.)
3. Open Notepad, or a similar text editor. Copy and paste the below into it:
moodtheme_setpic ###### 90
http://yourhost.com/accomplished.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 1
http://yourhost.com/aggravated.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 44
http://yourhost.com/amused.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 2
http://yourhost.com/angry.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 3
http://yourhost.com/annoyed.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 4
http://yourhost.com/anxious.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 114
http://yourhost.com/apathetic.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 108
http://yourhost.com/artistic.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 87
http://yourhost.com/awake.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 110
http://yourhost.com/bitchy.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 92
http://yourhost.com/blah.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 113
http://yourhost.com/blank.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 5
http://yourhost.com/bored.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 59
http://yourhost.com/bouncy.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 91
http://yourhost.com/busy.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 68
http://yourhost.com/calm.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 125
http://yourhost.com/cheerful.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 99
http://yourhost.com/chipper.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 84
http://yourhost.com/cold.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 63
http://yourhost.com/complacent.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 6
http://yourhost.com/confused.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 101
http://yourhost.com/contemplative.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 64
http://yourhost.com/content.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 8
http://yourhost.com/cranky.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 7
http://yourhost.com/crappy.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 106
http://yourhost.com/crazy.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 107
http://yourhost.com/creative.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 129
http://yourhost.com/crushed.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 56
http://yourhost.com/curious.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 104
http://yourhost.com/cynical.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 9
http://yourhost.com/depressed.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 45
http://yourhost.com/determined.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 130
http://yourhost.com/devious.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 119
http://yourhost.com/dirty.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 55
http://yourhost.com/disappointed.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 10
http://yourhost.com/discontent.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 127
http://yourhost.com/distressed.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 35
http://yourhost.com/ditzy.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 115
http://yourhost.com/dorky.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 40
http://yourhost.com/drained.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 34
http://yourhost.com/drunk.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 98
http://yourhost.com/ecstatic.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 79
http://yourhost.com/embarrassed.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 11
http://yourhost.com/energetic.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 12
http://yourhost.com/enraged.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 13
http://yourhost.com/enthralled.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 80
http://yourhost.com/envious.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 78
http://yourhost.com/exanimate.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 41
http://yourhost.com/excited.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 14
http://yourhost.com/exhausted.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 67
http://yourhost.com/flirty.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 47
http://yourhost.com/frustrated.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 93
http://yourhost.com/full.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 103
http://yourhost.com/geeky.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 120
http://yourhost.com/giddy.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 72
http://yourhost.com/giggly.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 38
http://yourhost.com/gloomy.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 126
http://yourhost.com/good.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 132
http://yourhost.com/grateful.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 51
http://yourhost.com/groggy.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 95
http://yourhost.com/grumpy.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 111
http://yourhost.com/guilty.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 15
http://yourhost.com/happy.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 16
http://yourhost.com/high.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 43
http://yourhost.com/hopeful.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 17
http://yourhost.com/horny.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 83
http://yourhost.com/hot.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 18
http://yourhost.com/hungry.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 52
http://yourhost.com/hyper.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 116
http://yourhost.com/impressed.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 48
http://yourhost.com/indescribable.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 65
http://yourhost.com/indifferent.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 19
http://yourhost.com/infuriated.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 128
http://yourhost.com/intimidated.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 20
http://yourhost.com/irate.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 112
http://yourhost.com/irritated.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 133
http://yourhost.com/jealous.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 21
http://yourhost.com/jubilant.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 33
http://yourhost.com/lazy.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 75
http://yourhost.com/lethargic.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 76
http://yourhost.com/listless.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 22
http://yourhost.com/lonely.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 86
http://yourhost.com/loved.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 39
http://yourhost.com/melancholy.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 57
http://yourhost.com/mellow.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 36
http://yourhost.com/mischievous.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 23
http://yourhost.com/moody.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 37
http://yourhost.com/morose.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 117
http://yourhost.com/naughty.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 97
http://yourhost.com/nauseated.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 102
http://yourhost.com/nerdy.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 134
http://yourhost.com/nervous.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 60
http://yourhost.com/nostalgic.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 124
http://yourhost.com/numb.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 61
http://yourhost.com/okay.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 70
http://yourhost.com/optimistic.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 58
http://yourhost.com/peaceful.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 73
http://yourhost.com/pensive.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 71
http://yourhost.com/pessimistic.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 24
http://yourhost.com/pissedoff.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 109
http://yourhost.com/pleased.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 118
http://yourhost.com/predatory.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 89
http://yourhost.com/productive.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 105
http://yourhost.com/quixotic.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 77
http://yourhost.com/recumbent.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 69
http://yourhost.com/refreshed.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 123
http://yourhost.com/rejected.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 62
http://yourhost.com/rejuvenated.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 53
http://yourhost.com/relaxed.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 42
http://yourhost.com/relieved.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 54
http://yourhost.com/restless.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 100
http://yourhost.com/rushed.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 25
http://yourhost.com/sad.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 26
http://yourhost.com/satisfied.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 46
http://yourhost.com/scared.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 122
http://yourhost.com/shocked.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 82
http://yourhost.com/sick.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 66
http://yourhost.com/silly.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 49
http://yourhost.com/sleepy.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 27
http://yourhost.com/sore.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 28
http://yourhost.com/stressed.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 121
http://yourhost.com/surprised.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 81
http://yourhost.com/sympathetic.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 131
http://yourhost.com/thankful.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 29
http://yourhost.com/thirsty.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 30
http://yourhost.com/thoughtful.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 31
http://yourhost.com/tired.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 32
http://yourhost.com/touched.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 74
http://yourhost.com/uncomfortable.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 96
http://yourhost.com/weird.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 88
http://yourhost.com/working.png 80 45
moodtheme_setpic ###### 85
http://yourhost.com/worried.png 80 45
4. Go back to your Admin Console, and find where it says this: Success. Your new mood theme ID is ###. (The "###" will be an actual number)
5. Copy this number, and switch to Notepad. Go to Edit - Replace (or Ctrl+H). Under "Find What:", type ###. Under "Replace With:" type your mood theme ID number. (The one given to you on your Admin Console page) Hit "Replace All".
6. Also in Notepad, replace
http://yourhost.com/ to your own server where you uploaded the mood pictures.
7. Copy the entire Notepad document, and paste it into your Admin Console. Hit "Execute".
8. Go to your
Customize theme page. Under the Display tab, find "Mood Themes". Click the dropdown list, and scroll down to Personal Themes, under which you should find "FFVII: Advent Children Mood Theme" or anything you named it in step #2. Select this, and click "Save Changes".
9. Please credit me! You may use this if you wish:
FFVII: Advent Children Mood Theme by
10. Comment if you are taking, thanks!
- Moodtheme instructions by refuted and crackified.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask here. I'll do my best to answer the, but everything should work as these are the steps I take to upload my own themes.