Your Balls are MINE

Nov 17, 2008 14:50

Everyone is sad and lazy, myself included. (a fact that I intend to remedy by purchasing a treadmill, which I fear will be used seriously once or twice, then disgarded into a pile with my sport bras) My friend finally discoverd that you can be open with another person only to have him stomp all over her heart and poo on her face (not literally, as Steven wondered, the asshole). I intend to kick him in the nuts. They're mine now. I was going to punch him in the face, but Steven said my punches were about as effective as a feather and he would do it. It really pisses me off, because she has had so much complete SHIT in her life, and she really needed someone to just love her because she is her and not because they want to get laid. It frustrates me, I think I am the one person in her entire life that just accepts her and loves her (besides my mom. MY mom).
Seriously, I need to hunt this kid down and kick his ass. I will totally poop on his house and egg his car. I also want to feed him epicac. He deserves hours of unrelenting puking to make him really consider what he did. (believe me, I have gone through that. It isn't pleasent. In fact, they should have used it in the inquisition. This kind of torture leaves you exausted and in complete body pain on the floor pleading for god to make it stop)
I am so angered by this kind of thing. How can you say you love someone when you don't? Everybody knows the kind of devistation it leaves. Its in practically every goddamn movie ever. It terrible. Its evil. I hate him.
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