May 29, 2006 13:12
I struggled to wake up this morning from an awful dream. Oscar and I were at this house and the owner wanted to watch Saw 2. I objected, but we started watching it anyway. A few minutes into it I made them turn it off and I told Oscar I wanted to leave. The house was creepy and it was like the idea of Saw had penetrated throught the T.V. out into the house. There were more people there and they all wanted Oscar to stay. I was begging him to leave and he kept saying we would, but then something would distract him, or someone in the house would start saying they needed him. It was like he was brainwashed. I finally got him to leave, but then we pulled over to talk to a woman and her small children. They were also from the house and they kept giving Oscar reasons to stay. I told her that it was late and I was tired and I really didn't feel comfortable staying there so we were leaving. We left. And then the car broke down. It was about this time that I started waking up and what was happening gets blurry. Bad dreams scare me more than they should.
Over the weekend I went with Eirik to North Carolina. The trip there went well, I slept most of the way (sorry eirik). NC is pretty. The weather was very nice, especially in the evening. We saw The Da Vinci Code. Yesterday I left and spent all day on buses, which was not too bad until my last trip from Jacksonville, when the kid next to me kept poking me with his elbow. Tallahassee never looked so welcoming as it did after 12 hours of bus travel. I miss you already, Eirik.
So today I'm free as a bird. No school and no work. I'm going to go play in the sun.