(no subject)

Mar 21, 2006 18:36

Day 2- of fast- almost complete :) Not weighing myself till Saturday so I don't freak out and stop if I don't make progress.

Day 3-No idea how I'm gonna get outta diner tommorow, I guess I'll just have to start a fight, which makes me really guilty but I'll be nice the rest of the day.

Day 4-Hopefully Thursday I'm going out with Sara to "eat" aka meet guys :) I totally miss her! I havn't seen her since before christmas :( I don't see why my best friend has to live in CT! She has court tommorow so hopefully she doesn't go to jail, I would totally freak out!

Day 5-Friday... I can go to Hannah's and then to youth group and just say I'm not hungry.

Day 6-Saturday....hopefully sleeping over Hannah's and I can skip brekkie and lunch, have no idea how to get out of dinner, maybe I'll sleepover Kaylee's ??

Day 7-Sunday... Easy to skip brekkie and lunch, dinner hmm I'll say I when I went shopping we got ice cream

Day 8-Monday...I'll excercise and say I don't want to eat because I'm tired then I'll go to rehershal and feed the dinner to my dog when I'm alone

Day 9-Tuesday... Rehershal then maybe I'll chill with rachy to get outta dinner

Day 10-Wednesday.. My B-Day, finishing buisness with the ex so easy to get outta brekkie and lunch, dinner I have to eat cause we're going to a seafood resteraunt which I love!!! But after a 10 day fast I'll only eat a tiny bit of sumthing, (I'm gonna look up calories in stuff).

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