Probably an appropriate userpic for this also.

Sep 19, 2008 08:16

I have been working out and dieting since January.
I have been lifting hard and dieting hard since about April.
And yet I have not done a figure competition. I was just too heavy at the beginning, and it took FOREVER to get the weight back off. Even now, I am not truly show-ready. Small amounts of cellulite still remain on my hips. My back is not as muscular as I would like - my arms not as defined.


I am bone-weary of the competition season. So I'm doing this weekend's Hurricane Bay Classic in the "Over 30 Short" classification. All the girls I work out with every day are competing in this one, and it'll be the last show of the season for the whole team. I was GOING to wait and do a show at the end of October, but that really isn't fair to my trainer - to make him work a whole extra month just because I got chubby in the off-season. Lol!

So, I've taken today off of work and made an appointment to be spray tanned. Thankfully my neighbor does that, and has a little shop right in town. I called her up just last night and she gave up her lunch hour to work me in.

I'm about to call to see if we can board the dog (I'm sure THAT will make her happy. We JUST got back from vacation!), and pick up a few last minute things while I'm in town (cash for the entry fee, etc.) And I've got to eat my morning fish. *rolls eyes*

I've been eating fish four times a day all week long. Fish. The WHOLE Fish. And nothing BUT the fish. Well, that's not exactly true: fish and broccoli or fish and asparagus....But I'm still pretty f*ing SICK of fish. The good news is, the meal I'm consuming right now is the last fish I am likely to eat until about NEXT April. :D Talk about thinking happy thoughts! Lol!

So, that's what I've been up to. Oh, and I finished Midnight Never Come, but I can't give you an overview of it because the folks I'm reading it with haven't got to it yet. Instead, I think I'll read Labrynth. It isn't new, of course, so there's little point in me reviewing it - most of you have probably read it already and I'm just slow. (Or I was so Twilight-obsessed that I ignored it. That's been known to happen. Lol!)

But that's all I've got for you. Hope to have some good news to report on Sunday, but it's exceedingly unlikely that I'll place. This is just for fun. ♥

diet, competition, workout, binge readers anonymous

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