So....I've decided that in light of the second half of the book, I can forgive the completely harebrained, unforshadowed, amateurish plotline. At least it was well supported AFTER the fact, and - well - impossible not to enjoy.
And a soul was lost. I suppose with a character like Caius about, that was inevitable and honestly she DID sort of deserve a punishment for her idea of 'vengeance.' Not that I necessarily would have obliterated her for it, personally, but I can see why Irina was sacrified. And Jane didn't have to die, though her frustration was almost as gratifying to me as it must have been to Bella. *wicked grin*
I'm content. I'm even sort of pleased. I MIGHT even read it a second time. Now that I know the whole second half doesn't SUCK, it should go down easier. Lol!
No brilliant analyzing or literary critique. It's just not that sort of book. I am vastly entertained by it - enough that I took no breaks, so it's good enough for me. I even like Nessie, as a character she's a total Mary Sue, of course, but... *shrugs* She'll grow a personality as she grows. Lol! I'll bet she's really bossy. ;)
Goodnight, folks. Thanks for tolerating my near-tantrum yesterday. Thanks for tolerating my about-face today. See you tomorrow. ;)