Prophet Elucidations?

Oct 04, 2007 23:07

"I shall tell you a great secret, my friend. Do not wait for the last judgment, it takes place every day." - Albert Camus

I’d like to first establish a slight history lesson for those unfamiliar with the timeline leading up to the writing of Liber AL. In March of 1904 Crowley and Rose, his wife of the time, had gone on vacation in Cairo. One can only imagine how incredible a holiday in Egypt would have been in 1904. Tourists weren’t restricted from roaming freely in the pyramids. Security was minimal, if not practically nonexistent. Westerners didn’t have to worry about Extremists. And for the most part anyone could go to the pyramids at night. And that is exactly what Crowley and his wife did on March 20. They stayed the night in the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid and preformed a ritual to invoke the Egyptian God Horus, to “great success,” as Crowley himself stated. As for the pyramid itself there are hundreds of interesting things that relate to the occult and other esoteric study, unfortunately I haven’t got room to even begin to list them. So I’m going to limit this dissertation to only a brief discussion of the air shafts of the great pyramid. There are two shafts extending out of the King’s Chamber and two shafts extending from the queen’s chamber all of which, they say, point to constellations in the heavens. The air shafts from the Queen’s Chamber are blocked, and quite frankly unimportant for this essay. As far as the shafts of the King’s Chamber, there are conflicting reports as to weather or not the south shaft, which is said to point to Orion's Belt, is blocked or not, but the majority of my investigation tends to suggest that it is. The north shaft on the other hand is acknowledged by all accounts to be open to the heavens, more specifically, the constellation Draconis. (AKA Draco) It’s widely believed that at the time of the pyramids completion the north shaft pointed directly at Thuban, the Pole Star of ancient Egypt, in the tail of Draconis. The constellation Draconis has so many mythological references that listing them here would take up to much space. But I feel the need to point out a few things before I move on. The stars of Draconis were part of a greater Egyptian constellation known as Tawaret, the daughter of Nut (Nu or Nuit by some spellings). Also it is said to be the Biblical Serpent (Satan), as well as Ladon, the dragon that guarded the golden apples (Apple of Discord) of Greek legend. Another Greek legend states that Cadmus founded Thebes after killing Draco. Subsequently, I can’t forget to mention Tiamat, if you continue probing pretty soon you’ll appreciate that these are but a small handful of the legends attributed to this assembly of stars. Okay, back to Crowley and his Bride. As we all know on April 8 and the two days following, Crowley wrote The Book of the Law. I have elected not to go into more detail on the writing of Liber AL because we know the collective totality of these details anyway, right? At this point I should turn your attention to specific verses, namely, V. I 57. The “Tzaddi is not the Star”. To the Qabalist the Tzaddi represents Aquarius. In the Thoth deck the Tzaddi is on IV the Emperor (Tzaddi=90) card along with the symbol for Aries. XVII the Star card has the symbol of Aquarius and the Hebrew letter He` (He`=5) which to the Qabalist represents Aries. The sign that rests between them is Pisces (represented by XVIII the Moon). And at the end of Pisces is the Vernal Equinox, or as it was called from time to time in history, the Pisces Equinox. Nowadays people associate it with Aries because it’s viewed as the start of that sign. But throughout history the Spring Equinox has fallen predominately on the 20th of March. And yes in 1904 the Equinox fell on March 20th in Egypt. Additionally in the Thoth deck Crowley switched XI and VIII and renamed them XI Lust (Teth=9) and VIII Adjustment (Lamed=30) to make them “sublimely prefect”. Adjustment has the sign of Libra and Lust contains the sign of Leo, which places them on ether side of the Virgo (represented by IX Hermit) or Autumnal Equinox. The other two important cards are the VI Lovers (Zain=7) with Gemini and XIV Art (Samech=60) with Sagittarius, the positions of Solstice. From here if you take out an astrological map of the heavens, that incorporates the entire Zodiac, you ought to begin to perceive numerous interesting effects. For instances, if you simply engrave a line beginning at Sagittarius descending to Gemini, and Pisces to Virgo you’ll construct a cross over Draconis. Secondly, if you depict a Unicursal Hexagram using Gemini, Sagittarius, Libra, Leo, Aries, and Pisces, your Rose of the Cross is in Draconis. Of all the stars in Draconis, two of them encompass particular importance. The first, as I’ve already mentioned, is Thuban and the second is Nu, in the mouth of the serpent. Technically Nu (v in Greek) is a binary star (V. I 29) of equivalent brightness that is 93 light years away from earth. I shouldn’t have to go into vast detail here to illustrate symbolism of the Serpent eating its Tail. So I’ll just quote 777, “The Dragon represents Draco connected with Nuit in the heaven; Ananta, the great serpent which surrounds the Universe. It devours its own tail, thereby reducing it to Zero.” Though I have countless more things to point out relating to Gematria, Qabalah, the Zodiac, and the Enochian system, I can’t since I’m running out of space, so to speak. I would like to briefly talk about an additional Trump. That card being the Rosy card or my “one, one, one,” (V. I 48) more appropriately XXI the Universe. Notice the black fish-hook (Tzaddi) that the maiden (Nu) is baiting with the Serpent (Draconis), there bodies joined to form the Infinite Eight, surrounded by the Zero of the Zodiac. The Fish-hook represents the celestial pole or the location on which the entirety of the universe is hooked. Then there’s the Maiden with her hair flowing like a Golden Spiral (Phi) and her foot pointing at Leo in the corner and in the Zodiacal circle. Now again I could very well go on concerning her hands pointing to locations on the Zodiacal Wheel and the significance of Phi, also called the Fibonacci sequence, but I think I have provided you with numerous intriguing points of reference in your future studies of The Great Work. This is by no means all I have to say on this subject, it’s just all I’m going to say here, at least for now. Or maybe you might just have to wait for me to finish my complete commentary on Liber Al to hear more. Before I end this post I would like to quote Crowley from The Book of Lies, “This work also eats up itself, accomplishes its own end, nourishes the worker, leaves no seed, is perfect in itself.”
One last thing, above I gave the Gematria value for the six cards that make up the Unicursal Hexagram, if added together they total 201. In the Hebrew system 201 equals Iasous or Light.
If you find any of this to be fascinating wait till you see my solution for V. II 76 and how it relates to quantum physics and the law of relativity.

93 or 156, whichever you desire!
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