Everybody, throw your hands up and say "I don't wanna be in love, I don't wanna be in love!"

Nov 29, 2007 16:39

This one I'm putting on Battle Gear before I start reading comments....

Anjow Proclimation J1286A:  Love doesn't exist.
I have been blind for 5 years and change. I always had a theory on love and now I'm pretty sure I was right. They always said back in high school, and even now in college, it's always best to start off a paper/essay with a quote. Somebody else has always put it better.

"Don't knock it until you try it."

Well I've tried it and now I'm knocking it. I honestly have resorted back to square one of my mentality and this is it,

Love is a construted idea of society to place control on everyone. No I don't think it's a conspiracy theory or anything (Although it would explain population control). First, lets define the word "Love":

www.dictionary.com says;


1.a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. 2.a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend. 3.sexual passion or desire. 4.a person toward whom love is felt; beloved person; sweetheart. 5.(used in direct address as a term of endearment, affection, or the like): Would you like to see a movie, love? 6.a love affair; an intensely amorous incident; amour. 7.sexual intercourse; copulation. 8.(initial capital letter
) a personification of sexual affection, as Eros or Cupid. 9.affectionate concern for the well-being of others: the love of one's neighbor. 10.strong predilection, enthusiasm, or liking for anything: her love of books. 11.the object or thing so liked: The theater was her great love. 12.the benevolent affection of God for His creatures, or the reverent affection due from them to God. 13.Chiefly Tennis. a score of zero; nothing. 14.a word formerly used in communications to represent the letter L. -verb (used with object) 15.to have love or affection for: All her pupils love her. 16.to have a profoundly tender, passionate affection for (another person). 17.to have a strong liking for; take great pleasure in: to love music. 18.to need or require; benefit greatly from: Plants love sunlight. 19.to embrace and kiss (someone), as a lover. 20.to have sexual intercourse with.

Did anyone else notice the definition has the word "sex" pop up more times than you expected? Yeah, exactly. And who do I blame for this (WARNING: Male "Pig-headedness" about to begin): Women. It's is of my opinion that women are very insecure by the code in their DNA.

---Am I fat? I don't wanna say how old I am. Do you think this looks good on me?----= Sound familiar?

I believe that women have used and mis-construted the word "love" for their own manipulative means and intentions in order to obtain control of men. Think about it just the same way the "am I fat" question is answered. Either way you reply, you're screwed. It is from this leash that we have exhibit A) My dad. Does whatever my mom tells him. Does whatever my grandma tells him. Is slowly being worn down by my little sister.

Exibit B) Da Crew (Myself included) - How many times have we had to call to say goodnight and "i love you". Just so our gf's could sleep well at night and not stay up worrying.

I can hear responses to it now "It's cuz they care about us."

Bullshyt. They care about themselves. Thats why when people break up, the women usually cry. They can latch on to guys easier because they're always looking for attention. Once they've found someone to give it to them, they hardly ever want to let go. And I'm not talking about when they date the asshole Abercrombie & Fitch guys, I'm talking about the real guys. The good/take care of them guys. Once they have someone who will take care of them, it's theirs. And people say Men objectify women. I say it's the other way around. We're just a brick wall that they can use to protect them from the world. Watch some court TV. How many greedy ass women get divorces and try and take more than they're really entitled to? Why? They need a couple of bricks from the old wall to keep them afloat till the new one comes around.

It has nothing to do with similar interests or any of that crap. It's just for their protection.
Now, before I kill the word "love" lets step aside for a second.
Do I believe the physical emotion of "love" doesn't exist outside of the sexual realm. No.
I love my family. I love my friends. I loved my cat. I love movies.
But romantic "I love you, I love you too. There's only ONE person out there for me in a hundred bajillion people."
Face up people. It's bullshyt. I'm sure I could find at least 500 girls with similar interests that I could marry and be happy with.
Does that mean I love them? Not really. Not if you go by the definition most people put to love.
It all basically boils down to human instinct. To have sex as much as possible. To keep the species going.
I don't believe there's one person out there for me. I think there's a lot of girls I'd like to have sex with with a couple similar interests.
But it comes to this question: Are any of them worth more than the things I truely love? Things I don't need to have sex with to want?

Not a chance in hell. That is why Anjow is giving up on "romantic" love. And you should too.

It's all an illusion from your signifigant other to keep you on their leash. To control you. A selfish, manipulative, controlling manifestation of an offshoot of love: Lust. And it's all for the wrong reasons.

Most of you won't agree with this post. And thats ok. I don't expect any of you too. But if somewhere down the line, you're wondering why Jow hasn't had a gf in forever, remember this and you'll know why.

- Jow

PS: The preceding statement does not reflect the views and/or opinions of Toys R Us Corporation or the individuals and is soley the opinion of the person stating it.
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