Oct 23, 2005 10:31
On Friday we had a mole day party at Big Boy at 6:02 in the morning. That was pretty fun, except i found it hard to eat that early. Anyway...
This weekend was my 1st offical debate tournament, and apart from my disfunctional partner it was AMAZING!!! We managed to break to semifinals and I got 4th speaker in the novice division. I am going to write all that happened b/c it was probably the best thing i've ever done intellectually since science fair. I think the stories and complaints are going to be more coherent in bullet points so here goes from the beginning:
1. big mistake #1, I wear open toed heeled shoes the entire weekend with no extra pair of shoes, so by the end of friday my calves are throbbing.
2. on the way to eisenhower, we stop for caramel apples and i eat a entire bag of Nisha's cotton candy.
3. Matt falls flat on his butt trying to immitate Nisha.
4. Bushey is ticked because we look stupid with 4 tubs per team, when she told us to consolodate.
5. So on Friday we debate 3 rounds. the first was super easy, i felt really bad for this one girl because her partner was really creepy and she didn't know what she was talking about. I asked her in crossx if she read a violation on T, and she was like "i don't know". then i asked her if i could see what she read on T and she said all she read was a definition. oh well.
6. Friday we were 2 and 1. Then Bushey decides we are going to do in's and out's, but my retarded partner Katy can't read even half the 1AC in 8 min. We all know she is just pretending not to b/c she thinks it's a demotion. After Bushey tells her that she was useless, then she can amazingly do it. suprise suprise.
7. We went 3:2. All the rounds we lost were because katy doesn't do what i told her to do. Gahh I wish she would just die so i never have to see her EVER again. If there is anyone that would make the top of my most anoying people list, it would be her.
8. The judge in the 3rd round told me that i needed to be nicer to her, but to katy she was like "that was the worst fucking 2AR I've ever heard". i was like hahahaha. i think our coach got her fired for swearing in the round, which is good because in that round we lost.
9. Suprisingly we broke on saturday to quarter finals, so did sam and tim and matt and jessie. Then we won and went on the semi's where we lost to this stupid girl that looked like Kirstin Meyers. grosss
10. i totally got 1st speaker in all our rounds but one!
11. The thing that pissed me off so much was in the car ride home we were watching Oceans 11 and she is revealing the entire plot line to everyone in the van before it even starts. At the point that I finally fall asleep she grabs and shakes me after yelling "CELINE can you turn the heat down". I was about to piss my pants. Why could she just reach over me and turn it off herself. After that i was so mad i was about to shove our stupid trophy in her mouth until she died.
12. Mrs. Bushey drove me home and the entire way we ranted on how stupid and anoying katy was. the best part was she said she was proud of me. she said that i basically won all the rounds by myself because Katy was helpless and couldn't pull a stupid file out to even help me. (the only time i made the mistake trusting her was for pulling discourse good, and she ended up pulling "discourse bad" for the other team!!) i like the warm fuzzy feeling inside when bushey says i am actually valuable for the team, or when she says i deserve a team spirit award for being with katy the entire weekend. then she got out of the car and told my parents how well i did.
12. achievement is probably one of the best feelings ever