Jul 26, 2009 12:17
"All we are is dust in the wind, dude..." --- Bill S. Preston, esquire
I have not posted in some time, and I apologize to all of my live journal friends out there who may have wondered what has happened to me. I'm still here, don't worry, but lately the desire to write has been alluding me. I have not felt the urge, sadly, for some time, and I am convinced it is related to personal issues.
For whatever the reason, my desire to write has been linked to a need to see people respond to my work, and hear positive feedback. Regretably, this means that if I DON'T hear that positive feedback, I end up feeling depressed or upset. Also, I have also noticed that despite the fact that I will end up hearing positive feedback, it has become like a drug for me. It never feels like it is enough. I always want more and more, feeling a larger desire to feel better about myself that can't really be satisfied.
In short, I have taken a hiautus from writing for a time, simply because I need to get thigns straight with myself. Posting here, and not getting prompt or appreciative feedback makes me depressed, and that shouldn't be. This isn't what this forum is all about, and that is something I need to get adressed.
I am still out there, though, and I will take a more active interest in posting day-to-day events, just to assure my friends that everything is still okay. I hope everyone is doing well, and as always...