Jun 04, 2009 22:48
No politic, no god, no vendetta or code should ever stand in the way of preserving the species, else the species will one day fail and cease to be. Without the survival of the species then the collective values of religion or nations, etcetera will cease to be.
Of course, that leaves another question; should man, as a species (given his faults, cruelties, monstrous ego, and propensity for bloodshed) continue to exist?
-Julius Windsor, HMS Xenoanthropologist
Discipline, duty and death are the three cornerstones of a samurai. I am not a samurai by any means but there is something to be said for the value of discipline. Today I did more writing, just to test my limits. In less then two hours I rounded out a chapter by adding in about 2,500 words.
Counting yesterday that is a total of (roughly) 5,300 words. Now, considering that a single page of text, single spaced, at 12 point size, Times New Roman Font, is about 500 words, that means I have roughly written about 11 pages of text in the past two days. And it's not bad text, it's good, exciting and enjoyable. I had a blast working on it, and am very excited were it will lead me next.
Can't say much, but I guess writing is like a relationship; there are some days that you say "damn, this is hard, the disadvantages seem to be outwaying the advantages here" but if you give up when it is hard, you never see any long lasting or positive results.
Well, off to other projects. Laundry calls...