I apologized yesterday for skipping the past couple weeks, as I was out of town and thought I would have internet but didn't. I'd just like to make sure that we have all of the days covered. I've noticed that
dailyrumi has become less 'daily', and I know of at least one person who had a posting day but whose journal has closed.
I just want to get an official recap of who has what day, and see if anyone would like to fill in on days that need posts.
I know I do Wednesdays, and I've created the following list based on what the site looks like right now. Please let me know if I'm mistaken, if you can no longer post, or if you would like to post.
Thank you!
_ananda_ Tuesday:
theosophia Wednesday:
ahavah_ehyeh Thursday: (Edit to add)
sasha_khan Friday: (Edit to add)
suzanna_o Saturday: (Edit to add)
loreeley Sunday:
in_palestine Thanks so much, everyone!