Mod Note: New Beginning

Feb 03, 2015 13:08

Hello, old friends! Once again, I apologize. Like so many, I jumped the LJ-ship. I've realized my mistake and have come crawling back. The f-list is still pretty slow, and most of my favorite communities seem to have died. I'm sorry that I allowed this one, my very favorite, to do the same.

I'm going to resume posting again, but I know I can't keep up with a daily thing myself. I'd love to get a new posting schedule going if anyone would like to volunteer for a day. Please let me know if you can help!

And now, some Rumi ♥

Wake up lovers, it is time to start the journey!
We have seen enough of this world, it is time to see another.

These two gardens may be beautiful but
let us pass beyond them and go to the Gardener.

Let us kiss the ground and flow like a river
towards the ocean.

Let us go from the valley of tears to the wedding feast,
let us bring the color of blossoms to our pale faces.

Our hearts shiver like autumn leaves about to fall,
in this world of dust there is no avoiding pain or feeling exiled.

Let us become like beautifully colored birds
and fly to the sweet land of paradise.

Everything is painted with the brush of the Invisible One
let us follow the hidden signs and find the Painter.

It is best to travel with companions
on this perilous journey only love can lead the way.

We are like rain splashing on a roof
let us find our way down the spout.

We are like an arched bow with the arrow in place
let us become straight and release the arrow towards the target.

We have stayed at home scared like mice
let us find our courage and join the lions.

Let our souls turn into a mirror
longing to reflect the essence of Beauty.

Let us begin the journey home.

Rumi: Hidden Music, translated by Azima Melita Kolin & Maryam Mafi

mod note

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