day 74 - song inspired.

Apr 27, 2016 21:00

For today's challenge your icons have to be inspired by this song. You can find inspiration in the lyrics, the video or in the general feel of the song.
"Love The Way You Lie" - Eminem feat. Rihanna


Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
But that's alright because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
But that's alright because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie

I can't tell you what it really is
I can only tell you what it feels like
And right now there's a steel knife in my windpipe
I can't breathe but I still fight while I can fight
As long as the wrong feels right it's like I'm in flight
High off her love, drunk from her hate,
It's like I'm huffing paint and I love her the more I suffer, I suffocate



12feethigh | afeastforme | burntheflaws | charmingthrone

daleksaresexy | deadwillwalk | orangelusik | fuuurs

imaginary_lives | kimcullen | nna_chan | pamkips

• you can enter up to 3 icons for this challenge, your icons must meet the lj standars: 100x100px, 40kb;
• you must make icons inspired by this song;
• submit your icons to this post, comments are screened;
• don't share your icons until the reveal post is up.

DEADLINE: May 8, 9 P.M. (countdown)

• new challenge, challenge: week 11, type: song inspired

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