the only time i want to hear you saying the one is if it's followed by the word hundredth. what up?

Jul 07, 2010 15:15


To celebrate, there's lots of fun stuff going on.

a. five picspam thingers for you today.
2. new layout!
d. and there's a list of my favorite dailies that I've done.

Barney: Unbelievable. That's just a recipe for disaster. They work together!
Ted: Are you jealous?
Barney: Oh, please. What does Carlos have that I don't?
Robin: A date tonight.
Lily: Stop the tape. Rewind. Play it again.
Robin: A date tonight.
Barney: I'm not sure I like her.

thanks for the suggestion, magpieinthesky!

Marshall: Um, I thought since we're going to be apart for two whole weeks, I would sing you your night-night song.

Night-night, Lily
Night-night, Lily
It's time to go to bed, oh, my silly,
Little Lily, time to rest your little head

Come on, Ted.
Ted: No, it's weird.
Marshall: You promised.
Marshall and Ted: Sha-la-la-la-la

Marshall: A little background. So I'm working on this report called "Using 23-b-3 Spurious Class Action Precedent to Contest a Class Certification Order Based on a Lack of Commonality, Numerosity..."
Ted: Dude, you lost us. Can't you just call it something cool like "The Ninja Report"?
Marshall: Okay. Yeah, fine, whatever. Um, so I'm supposed to turn in "The Ninja Report" yesterday.
All: Awesome. Cool.

thanks for the idea, raynewser!

Ted: I hate those guys. Swedish architecture collective.
Robin: Lame.
Lily: Pretentious.
Ted: "We're not a company. We're a collective."
Barney: I know. "We are Swedish. We are so cool with our baguettes and our Eiffel Tower."
Marshall: Sweden's not France. You know that, right?
Barney: Oh, it's France.

Barney: Remember when you used to be able to smoke in bars?

Ted: Oh, hey, dude. I think that hot girl over there's smiling at me.
Barney: Uh, that's a chair. But yeah, dude, hit that.

thanks for the coloring help, egomania! ♥

And now, it's time for a few of my favorite dailies:

  • 003: did you two ladies lose some weight?
  • 008: the only people in the universe who haven't seen star wars are the characters in star wars and that's because they lived them, ted, that's cause they lived them!
  • 015: conference call
  • 017: timesies! cocoa break!
  • 025: is dandelion going to be okay?
  • 030: they're armani.
  • 037: future ted and future marshall
  • 038: genius mystery d.j. dr. x
  • 042: tater tots? (mouths) i love you.
  • 051: i'm kidding. they're called women.
  • 054: there aren't any black people in minnesota?
  • 062: the salvation army does not fight fair
  • 069: what hat?
  • 071: people who are breaking my heart and people who are shaking my confidence daily
  • 077: why can't two single bros go out and rock brunch sunday morning-style? (probably my top favorite)
  • 080: you can still slam-dunk, obviously, and you've legally changed your name to "vanilla thunder."
  • 082: i guess we won't be having creme brulee tonight, my browning torch is broken.
  • 088: ordered chinese food today
  • 095: and you can bring some prime rib home for my friend marshall

    (Let me know if a link doesn't work!)
  • episode: 2x20 showdown, character: barney stinson, year: 2008, !mod post, episode: 3x15 the chain of screaming, marshall: lawyer, character: ted mosby, barney: not the master of awesomeness, type: picspam, lol: marshall, location: the apartment, relationship: barney/ted, season: 1, barney: master of awesomeness, ted: singing, location: the bar, song: lily's night night song, character: marshall eriksen, lol: barney, episode: 1x02 purple giraffe, marshall: singing, season: 4, episode: 5x11 last cigarette ever, year: 2005, year: 2009, relationship: marshall/lily, lol: lily, year: 2007, relationship: barney/robin, character: lily aldrin, season: 2, lol: ted, lol: robin, episode: 4x08 woooo!, season: 5, season: 3, character: robin scherbatsky, lol: sven

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