064: an august first tradition.

May 20, 2010 08:09

Barney: Check it out. I make it fun. I invented a little game.
Lottery Girl: Tonight's lotto numbers are... 19...
Barney: Age you moved to New York after a photographer "discovered" you at a food court and said he'd get you in Vogue magazine.
Lottery Girl: 53...
Barney: Number of semi-nude pictures he took of you before you realized he had no connection to Vogue magazine.
Lottery Girl: 22...
Barney: Age you claim you are.
Lottery Girl: 31...
Barney: Age you actually are.
Lottery Girl: 45...
Barney: Number of minutes it would take me to get you into a cab, out of your dress, and into my jacuzzi.
Lottery Girl: And the Super Big Ball is...
Barney: What happens after we get out of the jacuzzi. What up?

barney: what up, barney: master of awesomeness, character: barney stinson, year: 2009, lol: barney, episode: 4x14 the possimpible, type: picspam, season: 4, location: the apartment

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