Jan 21, 2010 21:56
I am running out of things in my life to post about. Scary...
So the computer situation is fixed now, and all it cost me was my soul. And a large amount of money. I can't wait for it to become infected again in 31 days.
For some odd reason, my body is not on fire today even though I ran. Perhaps I am getting into better shape than previously thought?
I started writing a new song. It's a take on one of my favorite short films. Who knew I could do concept pieces. Who wants to be in my band?
It has been announced that March 1st is the official return date for Jay Leno as host of the Tonight Show. However, if ratings don’t improve, they have announced the next in line, starting with Jimmy Fallon, and then one of the Avatars, and then The Situation from Jersey Shore.
Ever take one of those craps where afterward you realize you could have a successful run as a drug mule? (Not airable)