Title: What's In A Name
theladymorePrompt #: 21) Name
Prompt table: I
Fandom: The Hunger Games
Rating: G
Character/Pairing: Mrs. Mellark, Baby!Peeta Mellar
Word count: 100
Disclamer: Every character in the fandom is property of their owners. I am just using them for my own creativity.
Summary: How Peeta Mellark Got his Name
Mrs. Mellark didn't know what to name her youngest son. For nine months she and her husband argued constantly what to name their child. They didn't have as much difficulty naming their other two boys..Cole and Miner.
But she didn't want to give her youngest son a stupid name having to do with Coal mining like the rest of District 12. It was boring.
On the day her son was born she still didn't have a name. She had to think of a good name and fast. And then randomly something popped into her head. There was this type of bread. It was flat and it was eaten in a world outside of Panem. It was all Mrs. Mellark ate and craved throughout her pregnancy it was called,
"Peeta..." She simply said looking down at the boy sleeping in her hands, "we'll name him Peeta."