Title: I'd Do It Again, Too / THE 7-DAY CHALLENGE #2
simplyn2deepPrompt #: 5 - remorse
Fandom: Hawaii Five-0
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing: Chin
Word count: 100
Disclaimer: All Hawaii Five-0 characters herein are the property of CBS. No copyright infringement is intended.
Author’s Note: takes place during episode 3x01 La O Na Makuahine (Mother's Day)
Summary: He has no remorse for what he’s done.
The cop part of him screams that he can’t shoot an unarmed man, but the broken widowed part of him wants so badly to do more than shoot. He wants to make this man suffer 10 times over for the amount of suffering he’s had to endure. He wants to kill him, bring him back to life and do it all again.
He pulls the trigger, and with a flash and bang of the shotgun, Delano is gone. He doesn’t care and doesn’t think anyone else would either. He feels no remorse and would do it again in a heartbeat.