Title: Adventureland / THE 7-DAY CHALLENGE #2
carlyinromePrompt #: adventure
Fandom: Thunderheart
Rating: PG
Character/Pairing: Ray Levoi/Walter Crow Horse
Word count: 156
Disclamer: I'm not John Fusco. But I would like to buy him a drink.
Summary: On adventure.
Ray had risen up the ranks quickly. He was smart, capable, and very good at his job. After graduating from the academy, he’d been on the street less than a year when deep cover snatched him up. He had an aptitude, they said. Very special, they said.
Ray was very good at his job, and liked it, besides.
But he didn’t miss it, now. He was surprised that he didn’t miss it; long days at the Bear Creek police department, filing reports on drunk and disorderlies and performing routine traffic stops-it was far from the adventure of undercover work, being on the front lines, the danger of it, the exhilaration of trying on another skin and walking around. But, like his Rolex, it had proven easy to give up.
A lazy Sunday on the couch, his feet in Walter’s lap, Walter’s sure fingers massaging the knuckles of his toes, and Ray thought, Adventure is overrated.